logan and peter
Image by istolethetv
wolverine, marvel comics costume contest, union square, new york
Feel free to tweet, blog, or in any other way share my photos. And please let me know if you see yourself in any of my pictures or if you'd like to!
Image by istolethetv
captain america's sidekick, bucky barnes, marvel comics costume contest, union square, new york
Feel free to tweet, blog, or in any other way share my photos. And please let me know if you see yourself in any of my pictures or if you'd like to!
Image by William Brawley
taken with my Tokina 11-16mm, f/2.8 on my 1D Mark II N. Yep, the crop-sensor-designed Tokina lens mounts just fine on the 1D. All you have to do is avoid 11-12mm, and you get vignette-free amazingly wide photos!
Free Hugs Guy! (Week Eleven of Fifty-Two)
Image by Auzigog
View my other 52 Weeks self portraits.
This photo:
I was at a Halloween party and realized I hadn't taken my self portrait for this week. I grabbed a friend's camera and part of another friend's costume (the hammer) and snapped this. I'm a slacker.
My "costume" was "Free Hugs Guy!" ... Except that was just what I was wearing earlier in the day while free hugging.
I've been organized the free hugs campaign on campus for 2 years now. It started in Australia. It's all about spreading happiness. Every couple weeks, a bunch of people and I go out for 5 or 6 hours with "FREE HUGS" signs and give hugs. :)
The green sticker is for Power Vote. It's a non-partisan group that encourages people to vote for renewable energy (Please note: Clean coal is a lie. It doesn't exist. And it is not renewable.).
This week:
Still busy at every moment of every day.
Went canvasing inside the dorms handing out brochueres that explain all the ballot measure as well as some power vote literature. We got kicked out by the RAs because we weren't supposed to be in there. :)
Finished a programming project for one of my Computer Science courses that was due at midterms. For the second half of the term, we're going to develop a website that let's you host contests on flickr! Keep an eye out for Flickr Contestr! I'm really excited to work on it. And I hope to keep developing it after the term is over.
Jugo Juice - the new 10K sponsor and cool free OJ for the runners
Image by Dawn - Pink Chick
(2011CalgaryMarathon 429.jpg) Not only did they sponsor the 10k, some of them ran it.
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