HDRshooter photo contest
Image by Miroslav Petrasko (blog.hdrshooter.net)
Something different today :) Yesterday I started a photo contest on my Facebook page. Anyone can join, edit this photo series into a final HDR photo and have a chance to win a copy of OLONEO PhotoEngine. You can check out the source files and all the rules here: www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=405621992826112&set=a... or on my blog here blog.hdrshooter.net/2012/10/08/hdrshooter-photo-contest-s...
For more info on this and other my photos, and my HDR tutorial, please visit my daily photo blog at blog.hdrshooter.net
Daily photo blog - My portfolio - My HDR tutorial - My Twitter - My facebook page
slsc twelfth night photograhpy contest 690x190
Image by Ina Centaur
The SL Shakespeare Company has teamed with Koinup to offer you a photography contest based on our upcoming open-ended run of Twelfth Night, Act 1. Over L0,000 in prizes will be awarded to winners in several categories--including an exclusive Unedited SL Photography category! Judged by a wide-ranging panel of well-known Second Life residents. Select winning entries will also be published in Best of SL, Inner World, Prim Perfect, RezLibris, SL Newspaper, and sLiterary Magazine.
See the press release here.
Rules and contest details available on the contest page @ Koinup or grab & print this pdf.
GO MINIMAN GO Photo Contest (Example Entry)
Image by Dunechaser
The Brothers Brick is pleased to announce the "GO MINIMAN GO Photo Contest".
Announcement post
Contest rules with details on prizes and categories
Group pool for entries
(Building by Erik Varszegi and scene designed by Keith Malone.)
M9 photo narrative contest entry: "Date With a Photographer :-)" [1/2]
Image by ChiILLeica
Narrative title: "Date with a Photographer :-)"
Photo 1/2
This is the first of two entries in the two photo set for stevehuffphoto.com's Leica M9 giveaway of SEAL's M9 and Steve Huff's 1940's Leica Summitar lens. The contest's rules were to create a narrative with just two photos and a title to the narrative- no captions, explanations, or anything!
Here, Carola and I went on one of our first dates at the Chicago Cultural Center where we saw the Vivian Maier Exhibit- the now famous, secret photographer of the 20th century whose photos were just found in a storage unit. "Date with a photographer" also means here- date with Vivian Maier. Inspired by Ms. Maier and her photos of Chicago, here she is taking a picture just outside the Cultural Center. The photos title, not submitted for the contest, is "Date with Carola and Vivian Maier"
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