Thursday, 28 February 2013

Nice Nikon Photo Contest photos

nikon photo contest
Image by quantum bunny
FalloPalooza skate contest, 12th of august, plattfileds skatepark, fallowfield, manchest. Photos taken by Ben Gibbs.

nikon photo contest
Image by quantum bunny
FalloPalooza skate contest, 12th of august, plattfileds skatepark, fallowfield, manchest. Photos taken by Ben Gibbs.

nikon photo contest
Image by quantum bunny
FalloPalooza skate contest, 12th of august, plattfileds skatepark, fallowfield, manchest. Photos taken by Ben Gibbs.

nikon photo contest
Image by quantum bunny
FalloPalooza skate contest, 12th of august, plattfileds skatepark, fallowfield, manchest. Photos taken by Ben Gibbs.

nikon photo contest
Image by quantum bunny
FalloPalooza skate contest, 12th of august, plattfileds skatepark, fallowfield, manchest. Photos taken by Ben Gibbs.

Contest Winner

Contest Winner
Image by pixel8 (RCRD)
Contest winner

Roc City Rib Fest 2011

Contest Winner
Image by pixel8 (RCRD)
Contest winner

Roc City Rib Fest 2011

Contest Winner
Image by pixel8 (RCRD)
Contest winner

Roc City Rib Fest 2011

Contest Winner
Image by pixel8 (RCRD)
Contest winner

Roc City Rib Fest 2011

Image by Kliefi
I've participated a photo contest at this pc-magazin just for fun with four of my pics at four of six categories. Somehow my pic of our little cute hammy was suddenly seen on the front page.
It is currently at 55th place. Thanks for this !
Do you wish to vote ?

Ich hab einfach mal mitgemacht bei diesem Foto-Wettbewerb und in viern von sechs Kategorien ein Foto geladen.
Computerbild hat ein kleines Bild von unserem Hamsterbaby dieser Tage auf der Titelseite.
Bis dato ist es 55 zigster Platz . Vielen Dank !
Möchte jemand mitvoten ?

Cool Animal Photo Contest images

animal photo contest
Image by istolethetv
Red Riding Hood and Grandma dog, 2011 Annual Howl-o-ween and Muttsquearade parade, Brooklyn Heights.

Mating Cardinalfish
animal photo contest
Image by PacificKlaus
These fish were mating about once a minute, around sunset. They would press against each other for a few seconds every time. Malapascua, Philippines.

animal photo contest
Image by istolethetv
Cow dog, 2011 Annual Howl-o-ween and Muttsquearade parade, Brooklyn Heights.

Whiteman CAC, Vet Clinic host 2010 Bark in the Park

Whiteman CAC, Vet Clinic host 2010 Bark in the Park
animal photo contest
Tucker, a Cavilier King Charles Spaniel, gets up close and personal with the camera, Oct. 2, during the 2010 Whiteman Bark in the Park. Owned by Samantha Underwood (far right), Tucker won first place in the longest hair contest. The annual event was hosted by the Whiteman Community Activities Center and Vet Clinic and is part of the Air Force Global Strike Command values for Airmen moral and welfare.
509th Bomb Wing Public Affairs Whiteman Air Force Base
Photo by Staff Sgt. Jason Barebo
Date Taken:10.02.2010
Related Photos:

Making little flies / Fazendo mosquinhas
animal photo contest
Image by Chaval Brasil

1.3x life size, EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro + 500d closeup lens + DYI ringflash.

2nd place in the POWER OF TWO contest in Winner's Circle.

- - -

Tirada com meu ringflash feito em casa.

kiwi, kiwi
animal photo contest
Image by Gravityx9
~~This is a photo manipulated picture, created for a 'just for fun' photoshop contest site~ -070506

NOT in the Mood - FuijiFilm Finepix S2950
animal photo contest
Image by ladytimeless
.. I love Tweeters.. he's not ours but we worship him and spoil him.. I normally don't use a flash but obviously did here.. this photo makes me laugh every time I look at it..

if you have a point & shoot Camera, please consider joining my Flickr Group Learn & Have Fun Contests

La Persistance de la Mémoire or Guess Who's Coming for Dinner...
animal photo contest
Image by merlinprincesse
Surrealism (founded by André Breton) is a movement in art and literature in the 1920s, which developed esp from dada, characterized by the evocative juxtaposition of incongruous images in order to include unconscious and dream elements...
Photo made while I was sleeping.... hehehehhe naaaahhhh.
Made for the material -animal contest "Surrealism"... :)

Wednesday, 27 February 2013


wildlife photo contest 2012
Image by USFWS Mountain Prairie
The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service sponsored the 2012 Federal Duck Stamp Art Contest September 28 and 29 in Ogden, Utah, at Weber State University. A panel of five judges was responsible for choosing the art work used to design the 2013-2014 Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp.

For more info on the 2012 Duck Stamp Contest, please visit:

Photo Credit: Garry Tucker / USFWS

Youth Outreach
wildlife photo contest 2012
Image by USFWS Mountain Prairie
The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service sponsored the 2012 Federal Duck Stamp Art Contest September 28 and 29 in Ogden, Utah, at Weber State University. A panel of five judges was responsible for choosing the art work used to design the 2013-2014 Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp.

For more info on the 2012 Duck Stamp Contest, please visit:

Photo Credit: Garry Tucker / USFWS

Youth Outreach
wildlife photo contest 2012
Image by USFWS Mountain Prairie
The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service sponsored the 2012 Federal Duck Stamp Art Contest September 28 and 29 in Ogden, Utah, at Weber State University. A panel of five judges was responsible for choosing the art work used to design the 2013-2014 Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp.

For more info on the 2012 Duck Stamp Contest, please visit:

Photo Credit: Garry Tucker / USFWS

Artwork Presenter
wildlife photo contest 2012
Image by USFWS Mountain Prairie
The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service sponsored the 2012 Federal Duck Stamp Art Contest September 28 and 29 in Ogden, Utah, at Weber State University. A panel of five judges was responsible for choosing the art work used to design the 2013-2014 Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp.

For more info on the 2012 Duck Stamp Contest, please visit:

Photo Credit: Garry Tucker / USFWS

Youth Outreach
wildlife photo contest 2012
Image by USFWS Mountain Prairie
The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service sponsored the 2012 Federal Duck Stamp Art Contest September 28 and 29 in Ogden, Utah, at Weber State University. A panel of five judges was responsible for choosing the art work used to design the 2013-2014 Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp.

For more info on the 2012 Duck Stamp Contest, please visit:

Photo Credit: Garry Tucker / USFWS

Nice Photography Contests 2011 photos

Black Muslin Backdrop
photography contests 2011
Image by backdropsource
The beauty and innocence of a new born captured so beautifully--

Winner of our Christmas Photo Contest - Julie Crowe

Rescue Me: Whidbey NAS MH-60S Knighthawk
photography contests 2011
Image by AvgeekJoe
A photo submitted to the Museum of Flight 2011 photography contest and rejected. This photo was taken in FZ40 "Dynamic Art" Mode - which is an internal HDR mode.

Figure with tomorrow's SAR Demo at 1100 Hours @ Whidbey NAS, this is a timely share. Link to original size if you'd like.

Lenzr Stats April May 2011
photography contests 2011
Image by Roberrific
The traffic from April 1st to May 27th 2011 shows over 8500 visits - the four photo contests have collected over 230 photos.

Crane posing at Douthat
photography contests 2011
Image by vastateparksstaff
Took this at Women's Wellness Weekend during photography class. The crane looked like he was posing for me.

Information: International Street Photography Awards
photography contests 2011
Image by komehachi888
Here is a contest for the street photography.

Send your best street shots then you got a chance to win 1000 ponds.

If you are interested in it, please check the details here. Thank you!

Submission deadline: 31 Mar, 2011.

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Cool Contests 2012 images

Eurovision Song Contest 2012 Partytime für die Trackshittaz
contests 2012
Image by
"Eurovision Song Contest 2012 Partytime für die Trackshittaz", "Lukas Plöchl und Manuel Hoffelner auf der Dutchparty und der Israelparty." Heute am Montag, dem 21. Mai, wird es für die Trackshittaz bereits zum ersten Mal so richtig spannend, es stehen nämlich die ersten beiden Durchlaufproben in der Crystal Hall auf dem Programm - und dabei geht es um viel, genauer gesagt um 50 Prozent, denn die internationalen Jurys, deren Votings jeweils zur Hälfte in die Länderwertungen miteinfließen, legen bereits heute ihre Punkte fest. Die übrigen 50 Prozent werden in jedem Land auch heuer wieder mittels Televoting vom Publikum vergeben. Das erste Semifinale steht am Dienstag, dem 22. Mai, live um 21.00 Uhr auf dem Programm von ORF eins.Im Bild: Die Trackshittaz Lukas Plöchl und Manuel Hoffelner mit ihren Tänzerinnen, (li)Conny Aitzetmüller, (2.vl)Marie-Therese Leopoldsberger, (re)Bianca Borghesi, on Stage auf der Israel-Party im Euroclub. SENDUNG: ORF eins - DI - 22.05.2012 - 21:00 UHR. - Veroeffentlichung fuer Pressezwecke honorarfrei ausschliesslich im Zusammenhang mit oben genannter Sendung oder Veranstaltung des ORF bei Urhebernennung. Foto: ORF/MILENKO BADZIC. Anderweitige Verwendung honorarpflichtig und nur nach schriftlicher Genehmigung der ORF-Fotoredaktion. Copyright: ORF, Wuerzburggasse 30, A-1136 Wien, Tel. +43-(0)1-87878-13606

Eurovision Song Contest 2012 Partytime für die Trackshittaz
contests 2012
Image by
"Eurovision Song Contest 2012 Partytime für die Trackshittaz", "Lukas Plöchl und Manuel Hoffelner auf der Dutchparty und der Israelparty." Heute am Montag, dem 21. Mai, wird es für die Trackshittaz bereits zum ersten Mal so richtig spannend, es stehen nämlich die ersten beiden Durchlaufproben in der Crystal Hall auf dem Programm - und dabei geht es um viel, genauer gesagt um 50 Prozent, denn die internationalen Jurys, deren Votings jeweils zur Hälfte in die Länderwertungen miteinfließen, legen bereits heute ihre Punkte fest. Die übrigen 50 Prozent werden in jedem Land auch heuer wieder mittels Televoting vom Publikum vergeben. Das erste Semifinale steht am Dienstag, dem 22. Mai, live um 21.00 Uhr auf dem Programm von ORF eins.Im Bild: Die Trackshittaz Lukas Plöchl und Manuel Hoffelner mit ihren Tänzerinnen, (li)Conny Aitzetmüller, (2.vl)Marie-Therese Leopoldsberger, (re)Bianca Borghesi, on Stage auf der Israel-Party im Euroclub. SENDUNG: ORF eins - DI - 22.05.2012 - 21:00 UHR. - Veroeffentlichung fuer Pressezwecke honorarfrei ausschliesslich im Zusammenhang mit oben genannter Sendung oder Veranstaltung des ORF bei Urhebernennung. Foto: ORF/MILENKO BADZIC. Anderweitige Verwendung honorarpflichtig und nur nach schriftlicher Genehmigung der ORF-Fotoredaktion. Copyright: ORF, Wuerzburggasse 30, A-1136 Wien, Tel. +43-(0)1-87878-13606

Eurovision Song Contest 2012 Partytime für die Trackshittaz
contests 2012
Image by
"Eurovision Song Contest 2012 Partytime für die Trackshittaz", "Lukas Plöchl und Manuel Hoffelner auf der Dutchparty und der Israelparty." Heute am Montag, dem 21. Mai, wird es für die Trackshittaz bereits zum ersten Mal so richtig spannend, es stehen nämlich die ersten beiden Durchlaufproben in der Crystal Hall auf dem Programm - und dabei geht es um viel, genauer gesagt um 50 Prozent, denn die internationalen Jurys, deren Votings jeweils zur Hälfte in die Länderwertungen miteinfließen, legen bereits heute ihre Punkte fest. Die übrigen 50 Prozent werden in jedem Land auch heuer wieder mittels Televoting vom Publikum vergeben. Das erste Semifinale steht am Dienstag, dem 22. Mai, live um 21.00 Uhr auf dem Programm von ORF eins.Im Bild: Andi Knoll-Eurovision Song Contest Kommentator und Ö3 Mann, die Trackshittaz Manuel Hoffelner und Lukas Plöchl auf der Israel-Party im Euroclub. SENDUNG: ORF eins - DI - 22.05.2012 - 21:00 UHR. - Veroeffentlichung fuer Pressezwecke honorarfrei ausschliesslich im Zusammenhang mit oben genannter Sendung oder Veranstaltung des ORF bei Urhebernennung. Foto: ORF/MILENKO BADZIC. Anderweitige Verwendung honorarpflichtig und nur nach schriftlicher Genehmigung der ORF-Fotoredaktion. Copyright: ORF, Wuerzburggasse 30, A-1136 Wien, Tel. +43-(0)1-87878-13606

Eurovision Song Contest 2012 Partytime für die Trackshittaz
contests 2012
Image by
"Eurovision Song Contest 2012 Partytime für die Trackshittaz", "Lukas Plöchl und Manuel Hoffelner auf der Dutchparty und der Israelparty." Heute am Montag, dem 21. Mai, wird es für die Trackshittaz bereits zum ersten Mal so richtig spannend, es stehen nämlich die ersten beiden Durchlaufproben in der Crystal Hall auf dem Programm - und dabei geht es um viel, genauer gesagt um 50 Prozent, denn die internationalen Jurys, deren Votings jeweils zur Hälfte in die Länderwertungen miteinfließen, legen bereits heute ihre Punkte fest. Die übrigen 50 Prozent werden in jedem Land auch heuer wieder mittels Televoting vom Publikum vergeben. Das erste Semifinale steht am Dienstag, dem 22. Mai, live um 21.00 Uhr auf dem Programm von ORF eins.Im Bild: Die Trackshittaz Lukas Plöchl und Manuel Hoffelner mit Andi Knoll-Eurovision Song Contest Kommentator und Ö3 Mann,(mitte), auf der Israel-Party im Euroclub. SENDUNG: ORF eins - DI - 22.05.2012 - 21:00 UHR. - Veroeffentlichung fuer Pressezwecke honorarfrei ausschliesslich im Zusammenhang mit oben genannter Sendung oder Veranstaltung des ORF bei Urhebernennung. Foto: ORF/MILENKO BADZIC. Anderweitige Verwendung honorarpflichtig und nur nach schriftlicher Genehmigung der ORF-Fotoredaktion. Copyright: ORF, Wuerzburggasse 30, A-1136 Wien, Tel. +43-(0)1-87878-13606

Eurovision Song Contest 2012 Partytime für die Trackshittaz
contests 2012
Image by
"Eurovision Song Contest 2012 Partytime für die Trackshittaz", "Lukas Plöchl und Manuel Hoffelner auf der Dutchparty und der Israelparty." Heute am Montag, dem 21. Mai, wird es für die Trackshittaz bereits zum ersten Mal so richtig spannend, es stehen nämlich die ersten beiden Durchlaufproben in der Crystal Hall auf dem Programm - und dabei geht es um viel, genauer gesagt um 50 Prozent, denn die internationalen Jurys, deren Votings jeweils zur Hälfte in die Länderwertungen miteinfließen, legen bereits heute ihre Punkte fest. Die übrigen 50 Prozent werden in jedem Land auch heuer wieder mittels Televoting vom Publikum vergeben. Das erste Semifinale steht am Dienstag, dem 22. Mai, live um 21.00 Uhr auf dem Programm von ORF eins.Im Bild: Manuel Hoffelner, Rapper Thomas D. von der Band ?Die Fantastischen 4, Lukas Plöchl, auf der Dutch-Party. SENDUNG: ORF eins - DI - 22.05.2012 - 21:00 UHR. - Veroeffentlichung fuer Pressezwecke honorarfrei ausschliesslich im Zusammenhang mit oben genannter Sendung oder Veranstaltung des ORF bei Urhebernennung. Foto: ORF/MILENKO BADZIC. Anderweitige Verwendung honorarpflichtig und nur nach schriftlicher Genehmigung der ORF-Fotoredaktion. Copyright: ORF, Wuerzburggasse 30, A-1136 Wien, Tel. +43-(0)1-87878-13606

2010 Operation Rising Star Final Night - 53

2010 Operation Rising Star Final Night - 53
photo contest rules
Image by familymwr
(U.S. Army photo by Bill Bradner, FMWRC Public Affairs. Cleared for public release, not for commercial use, attribution requested)

Army wife Gomez wins Operation Rising Star military singing contest

By Tim Hipps
FMWRC Public Affairs

FORT BELVOIR, Va. – Melissa Gomez, who left Soldiering to become a full-time Army wife and mother, won the 2010 Operation Rising Star military singing contest Nov. 19 at Wallace Theater.

Gomez, 29, of Fort Bragg, N.C., prevailed over runner-up Maj. Serelda Herbin, 34, of Fort Hood, Texas, and third-place finisher Senior Airman Joanell Jackson, 24, of Fort Polk, La.

“I thought for sure Serelda was going to win,” Gomez said.

Gomez, who works with a large Army Community Service group at Fort Bragg, had family supporters in her hometown, Philadelphia, and her father’s native Puerto Rico voting early and often in the contest based on the premises of FOX Television’s American Idol.

“ACS and Fort Bragg totally represented for me,” she said. “I didn’t think I had that many people on board, but last night I was getting lots of calls from people saying, ‘We’ve been voting ...’

“They were showing everybody the show.”

After Spc. Nicholas Davis of Grafenwoehr, Germany, (originally from Rockingham, N.C.) was eliminated, the Tar Heel State boarded the Gomez bandwagon.

“North Carolina, in general, was representing after Nick fell out,” Gomez said. “Some of his people said they just needed North Carolina to win.

“I had my church in Philadelphia, my family, my mother’s work, my family in Puerto Rico – they were all watching the show online and voting.”

Gomez joined the Army at age 17 and promptly married a Soldier. She served six years before leaving as a sergeant to become a full-time military mother.

“They kept deploying us separately and I had to keep sending my children to live with my mom,” Gomez explained. “I was in a really active MOS. It was mostly me who kept coming down on orders, so I had to decide to be a mom.”

A self-professed late bloomer, Gomez began singing around age 12. She also plays a few Latin percussion instruments. In 2004, she toured domestic military installations and Korea with USA Express, a stage band sponsored by Army Entertainment Division.

For winning Operation Rising Star, Gomez will record a three-song demo CD at Firehouse Recording Studios in Pasadena, Calif., paid for by the Army Family and MWR Command.

“I can’t wait! I can’t wait!” she said. “I’m mentally prepared for the worst and just hope for the best. I look forward to really, really working with Victor [Hurtado] and Joey [Beebe], two completely talented people that I know can make me sound amazing, and Miss [Debra] Byrd.

“That’s what I look forward to big-time.”

Lisa Pratt, the 2009 Operation Rising Star winner, gave Gomez some tips about what to expect during the whirlwind week in Hollywood, where the new champion hopes to unveil some ideas of her own.

“It feels like I’m going to get to represent spouses and veterans in a positive light,” Gomez said. “I want to focus on keeping it where it needs to be because we have a hard job. I’ve been through it nine months of the year without a husband.”

“Life goes on for us whether he’s here or not – and I’ve got to keep it rolling.”

Gomez rolled through Operation Rising Star Finals Week by singing “I Need You” and “How Do I Live” by LeeAnn Rimes, “Out Here on My Own” by Irene Cara, “I Ain’t Got Nothing” by Alicia Keys, and “Turn the Beat Around” by Gloria Estefan.

Herbin presented a strong challenge with “At Last” by Jennifer Holliday, “I Feel Like a Woman” by Shania Twain, “My Heart Will Go On,” by Celine Dion, “One Moment in Time” by Whitney Houston, and Holliday’s “I Am Changing,” which nearly brought the house down during the semifinals on Wednesday night.

“I think I just said to throw it on the stage,” Operation Rising Star judge Debra Byrd, a vocal coach for American Idol, said to Herbin after her performance of “I Am Changing.” “Well, ladies and gentlemen, she just threw down on the stage. I applaud you because you came here with the determination of song choice, song choice and song choice.

“From your last two performances, you kicked it up into high gear and put a hot sauce on it. I applaud you. I applaud you. Well done.”

The three finalists delivered an entertaining medley of Houston’s “I Have Nothing,” Keys’ “I Ain’t Got Nothing” and Dion’s “My Heart Will Go On” during the semifinals on Wednesday night.

“You guys picked these songs to win and I don’t blame you,” Byrd said. “You want to get these biggie songs in. I applaud you for your effort. … I applaud you for the courage to pick these bombastic songs because that’s the mind of a winner – you want to pick the biggie.

“Whew, I know you’re glad that’s over with. I applaud you ladies.”

Second-place finisher Herbin said she was “content, happy and grateful for being here, but it is a competition and we knew the rules.”

“Hey, there can only be one,” she said with a teary-eyed smile and a laugh. “Overall, I had a great time.”

Third-place finisher Jackson, a last-minute substitute in the top 12, was content with the outcome and elated by the experience.

“I’m happy with the outcome,” she said. “I had fun. It was a great experience. Two weeks, 12 people, and now we’re family. I didn’t have that much time to advertise, but people really enjoyed my voice. I was really shocked that I made to the final round.

“I have accomplished what I need to accomplish to prove that I am a singer and that I enjoy singing and that I do have a talent.”

Jackson said she would love to continue entertaining troops.

“Maybe when I finish my mission at Fort Polk and I’m done with my military career, maybe do what Michael has done,” she said of Military Operation Rising Star judge Michael Peterson’s affinity for performing for troops. “I’ve been in Tops in Blue and being able to travel to encourage troops is a great opportunity – I would really love to do that.”

Serving in the Air Force with a husband in the Army, Jackson, who also serves as a mother of four, said someone needs to change careers.

“We’re in two different branches and we’ve been separated for awhile,” she explained. “I want to live with my husband. I miss him so much. I love the military, it’s a great thing, but I really do want to have my family near.”

2010 Operation Rising Star Final Night - 08
photo contest rules
Image by familymwr
(U.S. Army photo by Bill Bradner, FMWRC Public Affairs. Cleared for public release, not for commercial use, attribution requested)

Army wife Gomez wins Operation Rising Star military singing contest

By Tim Hipps
FMWRC Public Affairs

FORT BELVOIR, Va. – Melissa Gomez, who left Soldiering to become a full-time Army wife and mother, won the 2010 Operation Rising Star military singing contest Nov. 19 at Wallace Theater.

Gomez, 29, of Fort Bragg, N.C., prevailed over runner-up Maj. Serelda Herbin, 34, of Fort Hood, Texas, and third-place finisher Senior Airman Joanell Jackson, 24, of Fort Polk, La.

“I thought for sure Serelda was going to win,” Gomez said.

Gomez, who works with a large Army Community Service group at Fort Bragg, had family supporters in her hometown, Philadelphia, and her father’s native Puerto Rico voting early and often in the contest based on the premises of FOX Television’s American Idol.

“ACS and Fort Bragg totally represented for me,” she said. “I didn’t think I had that many people on board, but last night I was getting lots of calls from people saying, ‘We’ve been voting ...’

“They were showing everybody the show.”

After Spc. Nicholas Davis of Grafenwoehr, Germany, (originally from Rockingham, N.C.) was eliminated, the Tar Heel State boarded the Gomez bandwagon.

“North Carolina, in general, was representing after Nick fell out,” Gomez said. “Some of his people said they just needed North Carolina to win.

“I had my church in Philadelphia, my family, my mother’s work, my family in Puerto Rico – they were all watching the show online and voting.”

Gomez joined the Army at age 17 and promptly married a Soldier. She served six years before leaving as a sergeant to become a full-time military mother.

“They kept deploying us separately and I had to keep sending my children to live with my mom,” Gomez explained. “I was in a really active MOS. It was mostly me who kept coming down on orders, so I had to decide to be a mom.”

A self-professed late bloomer, Gomez began singing around age 12. She also plays a few Latin percussion instruments. In 2004, she toured domestic military installations and Korea with USA Express, a stage band sponsored by Army Entertainment Division.

For winning Operation Rising Star, Gomez will record a three-song demo CD at Firehouse Recording Studios in Pasadena, Calif., paid for by the Army Family and MWR Command.

“I can’t wait! I can’t wait!” she said. “I’m mentally prepared for the worst and just hope for the best. I look forward to really, really working with Victor [Hurtado] and Joey [Beebe], two completely talented people that I know can make me sound amazing, and Miss [Debra] Byrd.

“That’s what I look forward to big-time.”

Lisa Pratt, the 2009 Operation Rising Star winner, gave Gomez some tips about what to expect during the whirlwind week in Hollywood, where the new champion hopes to unveil some ideas of her own.

“It feels like I’m going to get to represent spouses and veterans in a positive light,” Gomez said. “I want to focus on keeping it where it needs to be because we have a hard job. I’ve been through it nine months of the year without a husband.”

“Life goes on for us whether he’s here or not – and I’ve got to keep it rolling.”

Gomez rolled through Operation Rising Star Finals Week by singing “I Need You” and “How Do I Live” by LeeAnn Rimes, “Out Here on My Own” by Irene Cara, “I Ain’t Got Nothing” by Alicia Keys, and “Turn the Beat Around” by Gloria Estefan.

Herbin presented a strong challenge with “At Last” by Jennifer Holliday, “I Feel Like a Woman” by Shania Twain, “My Heart Will Go On,” by Celine Dion, “One Moment in Time” by Whitney Houston, and Holliday’s “I Am Changing,” which nearly brought the house down during the semifinals on Wednesday night.

“I think I just said to throw it on the stage,” Operation Rising Star judge Debra Byrd, a vocal coach for American Idol, said to Herbin after her performance of “I Am Changing.” “Well, ladies and gentlemen, she just threw down on the stage. I applaud you because you came here with the determination of song choice, song choice and song choice.

“From your last two performances, you kicked it up into high gear and put a hot sauce on it. I applaud you. I applaud you. Well done.”

The three finalists delivered an entertaining medley of Houston’s “I Have Nothing,” Keys’ “I Ain’t Got Nothing” and Dion’s “My Heart Will Go On” during the semifinals on Wednesday night.

“You guys picked these songs to win and I don’t blame you,” Byrd said. “You want to get these biggie songs in. I applaud you for your effort. … I applaud you for the courage to pick these bombastic songs because that’s the mind of a winner – you want to pick the biggie.

“Whew, I know you’re glad that’s over with. I applaud you ladies.”

Second-place finisher Herbin said she was “content, happy and grateful for being here, but it is a competition and we knew the rules.”

“Hey, there can only be one,” she said with a teary-eyed smile and a laugh. “Overall, I had a great time.”

Third-place finisher Jackson, a last-minute substitute in the top 12, was content with the outcome and elated by the experience.

“I’m happy with the outcome,” she said. “I had fun. It was a great experience. Two weeks, 12 people, and now we’re family. I didn’t have that much time to advertise, but people really enjoyed my voice. I was really shocked that I made to the final round.

“I have accomplished what I need to accomplish to prove that I am a singer and that I enjoy singing and that I do have a talent.”

Jackson said she would love to continue entertaining troops.

“Maybe when I finish my mission at Fort Polk and I’m done with my military career, maybe do what Michael has done,” she said of Military Operation Rising Star judge Michael Peterson’s affinity for performing for troops. “I’ve been in Tops in Blue and being able to travel to encourage troops is a great opportunity – I would really love to do that.”

Serving in the Air Force with a husband in the Army, Jackson, who also serves as a mother of four, said someone needs to change careers.

“We’re in two different branches and we’ve been separated for awhile,” she explained. “I want to live with my husband. I miss him so much. I love the military, it’s a great thing, but I really do want to have my family near.”

2010 Operation Rising Star Final Night - 34
photo contest rules
Image by familymwr
(U.S. Army photo by Bill Bradner, FMWRC Public Affairs. Cleared for public release, not for commercial use, attribution requested)

Army wife Gomez wins Operation Rising Star military singing contest

By Tim Hipps
FMWRC Public Affairs

FORT BELVOIR, Va. – Melissa Gomez, who left Soldiering to become a full-time Army wife and mother, won the 2010 Operation Rising Star military singing contest Nov. 19 at Wallace Theater.

Gomez, 29, of Fort Bragg, N.C., prevailed over runner-up Maj. Serelda Herbin, 34, of Fort Hood, Texas, and third-place finisher Senior Airman Joanell Jackson, 24, of Fort Polk, La.

“I thought for sure Serelda was going to win,” Gomez said.

Gomez, who works with a large Army Community Service group at Fort Bragg, had family supporters in her hometown, Philadelphia, and her father’s native Puerto Rico voting early and often in the contest based on the premises of FOX Television’s American Idol.

“ACS and Fort Bragg totally represented for me,” she said. “I didn’t think I had that many people on board, but last night I was getting lots of calls from people saying, ‘We’ve been voting ...’

“They were showing everybody the show.”

After Spc. Nicholas Davis of Grafenwoehr, Germany, (originally from Rockingham, N.C.) was eliminated, the Tar Heel State boarded the Gomez bandwagon.

“North Carolina, in general, was representing after Nick fell out,” Gomez said. “Some of his people said they just needed North Carolina to win.

“I had my church in Philadelphia, my family, my mother’s work, my family in Puerto Rico – they were all watching the show online and voting.”

Gomez joined the Army at age 17 and promptly married a Soldier. She served six years before leaving as a sergeant to become a full-time military mother.

“They kept deploying us separately and I had to keep sending my children to live with my mom,” Gomez explained. “I was in a really active MOS. It was mostly me who kept coming down on orders, so I had to decide to be a mom.”

A self-professed late bloomer, Gomez began singing around age 12. She also plays a few Latin percussion instruments. In 2004, she toured domestic military installations and Korea with USA Express, a stage band sponsored by Army Entertainment Division.

For winning Operation Rising Star, Gomez will record a three-song demo CD at Firehouse Recording Studios in Pasadena, Calif., paid for by the Army Family and MWR Command.

“I can’t wait! I can’t wait!” she said. “I’m mentally prepared for the worst and just hope for the best. I look forward to really, really working with Victor [Hurtado] and Joey [Beebe], two completely talented people that I know can make me sound amazing, and Miss [Debra] Byrd.

“That’s what I look forward to big-time.”

Lisa Pratt, the 2009 Operation Rising Star winner, gave Gomez some tips about what to expect during the whirlwind week in Hollywood, where the new champion hopes to unveil some ideas of her own.

“It feels like I’m going to get to represent spouses and veterans in a positive light,” Gomez said. “I want to focus on keeping it where it needs to be because we have a hard job. I’ve been through it nine months of the year without a husband.”

“Life goes on for us whether he’s here or not – and I’ve got to keep it rolling.”

Gomez rolled through Operation Rising Star Finals Week by singing “I Need You” and “How Do I Live” by LeeAnn Rimes, “Out Here on My Own” by Irene Cara, “I Ain’t Got Nothing” by Alicia Keys, and “Turn the Beat Around” by Gloria Estefan.

Herbin presented a strong challenge with “At Last” by Jennifer Holliday, “I Feel Like a Woman” by Shania Twain, “My Heart Will Go On,” by Celine Dion, “One Moment in Time” by Whitney Houston, and Holliday’s “I Am Changing,” which nearly brought the house down during the semifinals on Wednesday night.

“I think I just said to throw it on the stage,” Operation Rising Star judge Debra Byrd, a vocal coach for American Idol, said to Herbin after her performance of “I Am Changing.” “Well, ladies and gentlemen, she just threw down on the stage. I applaud you because you came here with the determination of song choice, song choice and song choice.

“From your last two performances, you kicked it up into high gear and put a hot sauce on it. I applaud you. I applaud you. Well done.”

The three finalists delivered an entertaining medley of Houston’s “I Have Nothing,” Keys’ “I Ain’t Got Nothing” and Dion’s “My Heart Will Go On” during the semifinals on Wednesday night.

“You guys picked these songs to win and I don’t blame you,” Byrd said. “You want to get these biggie songs in. I applaud you for your effort. … I applaud you for the courage to pick these bombastic songs because that’s the mind of a winner – you want to pick the biggie.

“Whew, I know you’re glad that’s over with. I applaud you ladies.”

Second-place finisher Herbin said she was “content, happy and grateful for being here, but it is a competition and we knew the rules.”

“Hey, there can only be one,” she said with a teary-eyed smile and a laugh. “Overall, I had a great time.”

Third-place finisher Jackson, a last-minute substitute in the top 12, was content with the outcome and elated by the experience.

“I’m happy with the outcome,” she said. “I had fun. It was a great experience. Two weeks, 12 people, and now we’re family. I didn’t have that much time to advertise, but people really enjoyed my voice. I was really shocked that I made to the final round.

“I have accomplished what I need to accomplish to prove that I am a singer and that I enjoy singing and that I do have a talent.”

Jackson said she would love to continue entertaining troops.

“Maybe when I finish my mission at Fort Polk and I’m done with my military career, maybe do what Michael has done,” she said of Military Operation Rising Star judge Michael Peterson’s affinity for performing for troops. “I’ve been in Tops in Blue and being able to travel to encourage troops is a great opportunity – I would really love to do that.”

Serving in the Air Force with a husband in the Army, Jackson, who also serves as a mother of four, said someone needs to change careers.

“We’re in two different branches and we’ve been separated for awhile,” she explained. “I want to live with my husband. I miss him so much. I love the military, it’s a great thing, but I really do want to have my family near.”

2010 Operation Rising Star Final Night - 46
photo contest rules
Image by familymwr
(U.S. Army photo by Bill Bradner, FMWRC Public Affairs. Cleared for public release, not for commercial use, attribution requested)

Army wife Gomez wins Operation Rising Star military singing contest

By Tim Hipps
FMWRC Public Affairs

FORT BELVOIR, Va. – Melissa Gomez, who left Soldiering to become a full-time Army wife and mother, won the 2010 Operation Rising Star military singing contest Nov. 19 at Wallace Theater.

Gomez, 29, of Fort Bragg, N.C., prevailed over runner-up Maj. Serelda Herbin, 34, of Fort Hood, Texas, and third-place finisher Senior Airman Joanell Jackson, 24, of Fort Polk, La.

“I thought for sure Serelda was going to win,” Gomez said.

Gomez, who works with a large Army Community Service group at Fort Bragg, had family supporters in her hometown, Philadelphia, and her father’s native Puerto Rico voting early and often in the contest based on the premises of FOX Television’s American Idol.

“ACS and Fort Bragg totally represented for me,” she said. “I didn’t think I had that many people on board, but last night I was getting lots of calls from people saying, ‘We’ve been voting ...’

“They were showing everybody the show.”

After Spc. Nicholas Davis of Grafenwoehr, Germany, (originally from Rockingham, N.C.) was eliminated, the Tar Heel State boarded the Gomez bandwagon.

“North Carolina, in general, was representing after Nick fell out,” Gomez said. “Some of his people said they just needed North Carolina to win.

“I had my church in Philadelphia, my family, my mother’s work, my family in Puerto Rico – they were all watching the show online and voting.”

Gomez joined the Army at age 17 and promptly married a Soldier. She served six years before leaving as a sergeant to become a full-time military mother.

“They kept deploying us separately and I had to keep sending my children to live with my mom,” Gomez explained. “I was in a really active MOS. It was mostly me who kept coming down on orders, so I had to decide to be a mom.”

A self-professed late bloomer, Gomez began singing around age 12. She also plays a few Latin percussion instruments. In 2004, she toured domestic military installations and Korea with USA Express, a stage band sponsored by Army Entertainment Division.

For winning Operation Rising Star, Gomez will record a three-song demo CD at Firehouse Recording Studios in Pasadena, Calif., paid for by the Army Family and MWR Command.

“I can’t wait! I can’t wait!” she said. “I’m mentally prepared for the worst and just hope for the best. I look forward to really, really working with Victor [Hurtado] and Joey [Beebe], two completely talented people that I know can make me sound amazing, and Miss [Debra] Byrd.

“That’s what I look forward to big-time.”

Lisa Pratt, the 2009 Operation Rising Star winner, gave Gomez some tips about what to expect during the whirlwind week in Hollywood, where the new champion hopes to unveil some ideas of her own.

“It feels like I’m going to get to represent spouses and veterans in a positive light,” Gomez said. “I want to focus on keeping it where it needs to be because we have a hard job. I’ve been through it nine months of the year without a husband.”

“Life goes on for us whether he’s here or not – and I’ve got to keep it rolling.”

Gomez rolled through Operation Rising Star Finals Week by singing “I Need You” and “How Do I Live” by LeeAnn Rimes, “Out Here on My Own” by Irene Cara, “I Ain’t Got Nothing” by Alicia Keys, and “Turn the Beat Around” by Gloria Estefan.

Herbin presented a strong challenge with “At Last” by Jennifer Holliday, “I Feel Like a Woman” by Shania Twain, “My Heart Will Go On,” by Celine Dion, “One Moment in Time” by Whitney Houston, and Holliday’s “I Am Changing,” which nearly brought the house down during the semifinals on Wednesday night.

“I think I just said to throw it on the stage,” Operation Rising Star judge Debra Byrd, a vocal coach for American Idol, said to Herbin after her performance of “I Am Changing.” “Well, ladies and gentlemen, she just threw down on the stage. I applaud you because you came here with the determination of song choice, song choice and song choice.

“From your last two performances, you kicked it up into high gear and put a hot sauce on it. I applaud you. I applaud you. Well done.”

The three finalists delivered an entertaining medley of Houston’s “I Have Nothing,” Keys’ “I Ain’t Got Nothing” and Dion’s “My Heart Will Go On” during the semifinals on Wednesday night.

“You guys picked these songs to win and I don’t blame you,” Byrd said. “You want to get these biggie songs in. I applaud you for your effort. … I applaud you for the courage to pick these bombastic songs because that’s the mind of a winner – you want to pick the biggie.

“Whew, I know you’re glad that’s over with. I applaud you ladies.”

Second-place finisher Herbin said she was “content, happy and grateful for being here, but it is a competition and we knew the rules.”

“Hey, there can only be one,” she said with a teary-eyed smile and a laugh. “Overall, I had a great time.”

Third-place finisher Jackson, a last-minute substitute in the top 12, was content with the outcome and elated by the experience.

“I’m happy with the outcome,” she said. “I had fun. It was a great experience. Two weeks, 12 people, and now we’re family. I didn’t have that much time to advertise, but people really enjoyed my voice. I was really shocked that I made to the final round.

“I have accomplished what I need to accomplish to prove that I am a singer and that I enjoy singing and that I do have a talent.”

Jackson said she would love to continue entertaining troops.

“Maybe when I finish my mission at Fort Polk and I’m done with my military career, maybe do what Michael has done,” she said of Military Operation Rising Star judge Michael Peterson’s affinity for performing for troops. “I’ve been in Tops in Blue and being able to travel to encourage troops is a great opportunity – I would really love to do that.”

Serving in the Air Force with a husband in the Army, Jackson, who also serves as a mother of four, said someone needs to change careers.

“We’re in two different branches and we’ve been separated for awhile,” she explained. “I want to live with my husband. I miss him so much. I love the military, it’s a great thing, but I really do want to have my family near.”

2010 Operation Rising Star Final Night - 51
photo contest rules
Image by familymwr
(U.S. Army photo by Bill Bradner, FMWRC Public Affairs. Cleared for public release, not for commercial use, attribution requested)

Army wife Gomez wins Operation Rising Star military singing contest

By Tim Hipps
FMWRC Public Affairs

FORT BELVOIR, Va. – Melissa Gomez, who left Soldiering to become a full-time Army wife and mother, won the 2010 Operation Rising Star military singing contest Nov. 19 at Wallace Theater.

Gomez, 29, of Fort Bragg, N.C., prevailed over runner-up Maj. Serelda Herbin, 34, of Fort Hood, Texas, and third-place finisher Senior Airman Joanell Jackson, 24, of Fort Polk, La.

“I thought for sure Serelda was going to win,” Gomez said.

Gomez, who works with a large Army Community Service group at Fort Bragg, had family supporters in her hometown, Philadelphia, and her father’s native Puerto Rico voting early and often in the contest based on the premises of FOX Television’s American Idol.

“ACS and Fort Bragg totally represented for me,” she said. “I didn’t think I had that many people on board, but last night I was getting lots of calls from people saying, ‘We’ve been voting ...’

“They were showing everybody the show.”

After Spc. Nicholas Davis of Grafenwoehr, Germany, (originally from Rockingham, N.C.) was eliminated, the Tar Heel State boarded the Gomez bandwagon.

“North Carolina, in general, was representing after Nick fell out,” Gomez said. “Some of his people said they just needed North Carolina to win.

“I had my church in Philadelphia, my family, my mother’s work, my family in Puerto Rico – they were all watching the show online and voting.”

Gomez joined the Army at age 17 and promptly married a Soldier. She served six years before leaving as a sergeant to become a full-time military mother.

“They kept deploying us separately and I had to keep sending my children to live with my mom,” Gomez explained. “I was in a really active MOS. It was mostly me who kept coming down on orders, so I had to decide to be a mom.”

A self-professed late bloomer, Gomez began singing around age 12. She also plays a few Latin percussion instruments. In 2004, she toured domestic military installations and Korea with USA Express, a stage band sponsored by Army Entertainment Division.

For winning Operation Rising Star, Gomez will record a three-song demo CD at Firehouse Recording Studios in Pasadena, Calif., paid for by the Army Family and MWR Command.

“I can’t wait! I can’t wait!” she said. “I’m mentally prepared for the worst and just hope for the best. I look forward to really, really working with Victor [Hurtado] and Joey [Beebe], two completely talented people that I know can make me sound amazing, and Miss [Debra] Byrd.

“That’s what I look forward to big-time.”

Lisa Pratt, the 2009 Operation Rising Star winner, gave Gomez some tips about what to expect during the whirlwind week in Hollywood, where the new champion hopes to unveil some ideas of her own.

“It feels like I’m going to get to represent spouses and veterans in a positive light,” Gomez said. “I want to focus on keeping it where it needs to be because we have a hard job. I’ve been through it nine months of the year without a husband.”

“Life goes on for us whether he’s here or not – and I’ve got to keep it rolling.”

Gomez rolled through Operation Rising Star Finals Week by singing “I Need You” and “How Do I Live” by LeeAnn Rimes, “Out Here on My Own” by Irene Cara, “I Ain’t Got Nothing” by Alicia Keys, and “Turn the Beat Around” by Gloria Estefan.

Herbin presented a strong challenge with “At Last” by Jennifer Holliday, “I Feel Like a Woman” by Shania Twain, “My Heart Will Go On,” by Celine Dion, “One Moment in Time” by Whitney Houston, and Holliday’s “I Am Changing,” which nearly brought the house down during the semifinals on Wednesday night.

“I think I just said to throw it on the stage,” Operation Rising Star judge Debra Byrd, a vocal coach for American Idol, said to Herbin after her performance of “I Am Changing.” “Well, ladies and gentlemen, she just threw down on the stage. I applaud you because you came here with the determination of song choice, song choice and song choice.

“From your last two performances, you kicked it up into high gear and put a hot sauce on it. I applaud you. I applaud you. Well done.”

The three finalists delivered an entertaining medley of Houston’s “I Have Nothing,” Keys’ “I Ain’t Got Nothing” and Dion’s “My Heart Will Go On” during the semifinals on Wednesday night.

“You guys picked these songs to win and I don’t blame you,” Byrd said. “You want to get these biggie songs in. I applaud you for your effort. … I applaud you for the courage to pick these bombastic songs because that’s the mind of a winner – you want to pick the biggie.

“Whew, I know you’re glad that’s over with. I applaud you ladies.”

Second-place finisher Herbin said she was “content, happy and grateful for being here, but it is a competition and we knew the rules.”

“Hey, there can only be one,” she said with a teary-eyed smile and a laugh. “Overall, I had a great time.”

Third-place finisher Jackson, a last-minute substitute in the top 12, was content with the outcome and elated by the experience.

“I’m happy with the outcome,” she said. “I had fun. It was a great experience. Two weeks, 12 people, and now we’re family. I didn’t have that much time to advertise, but people really enjoyed my voice. I was really shocked that I made to the final round.

“I have accomplished what I need to accomplish to prove that I am a singer and that I enjoy singing and that I do have a talent.”

Jackson said she would love to continue entertaining troops.

“Maybe when I finish my mission at Fort Polk and I’m done with my military career, maybe do what Michael has done,” she said of Military Operation Rising Star judge Michael Peterson’s affinity for performing for troops. “I’ve been in Tops in Blue and being able to travel to encourage troops is a great opportunity – I would really love to do that.”

Serving in the Air Force with a husband in the Army, Jackson, who also serves as a mother of four, said someone needs to change careers.

“We’re in two different branches and we’ve been separated for awhile,” she explained. “I want to live with my husband. I miss him so much. I love the military, it’s a great thing, but I really do want to have my family near.”

Monday, 25 February 2013

Cool 2012 Photo Contest images

Weekly photo competition runner up, 21 September 2012: the rain is coming
2012 photo contest
Image by CIMMYT
This week’s runner up in our photo competition for CIMMYT staff and friends is a mysterious character known as “Dr. Warro”. As these impressive clouds indicate, this photo was taken just before the rain began in the fields at CIMMYT's El Batán, Mexico headquarters .

Photo credit: Dr. Warro/CIMMYT.

2012 photo contest
Image by Pantheriana
An entry for the POST Photo Contest

2012 photo contest
Image by Pantheriana
An entry for the POST Photo Contest

Drawing competition for school kids

Drawing competition for school kids
photography competitions
Image by seeveeaar
Went to a drawing competition held for kids today in mylapore Nageswara rao park.
Watch out for more pics from there in the coming days :)

Lights and Lines
photography competitions
Image by Lights and Lines
Negative spaces - drawing with light.
Shortlisted among the winners of the London Street Photography Competition curated by the Museum of London

More on:

London in Summer
photography competitions
Image by ThisParticularGreg
This photo came 2nd in the "My Cultural Life" competition, which can be linked to here:


2012 photo contest
Image by USFWS/Southeast
Marjory Sente takes a close look at the entry.

9/28/2012 Ogden, Utah
The 2012 Federal Duck Stamp Contest
photo by Garry Tucker, USFWS

2012 photo contest
Image by USFWS/Southeast
Judge Don Paul carefully studies an entry before voting.

9/29/2012 Ogden, Utah
The 2012 Federal Duck Stamp Contest
photo by Garry Tucker, USFWS

2012 photo contest
Image by USFWS/Southeast
Suzanne Fellows (USFWS) organizes materials in the exhibit hall.

9/27/2012 Ogden, Utah
The 2012 Federal Duck Stamp Contest
photo by Garry Tucker, USFWS

2012 photo contest
Image by USFWS/Southeast
Suzanne Fellows (USFWS) organizes displays in the exhibit hall.

9/27/2012 Ogden, Utah
The 2012 Federal Duck Stamp Contest
photo by Garry Tucker, USFWS

2012 photo contest
Image by USFWS/Southeast
Judges review each entry and then vote on it.

9/29/2012 Ogden, Utah
The 2012 Federal Duck Stamp Contest
photo by Garry Tucker, USFWS

Cool Photography Contests 2012 images

photography contests 2012
Image by Elvert Barnes
2012 National Cherry Blossom Festival Community Youth Art Contest Winners Display during the Family Days Celebration at the National Building Museum at 401 F Street, NW, Washington DC on Saturday afternoon, 24 March 2012 by Elvert Barnes Photography

Visit Natonal Cherry Blossom Festival at

Visit Elvert Barnes 2012 National Cherry Blossom Festival docu-project at

photography contests 2012
Image by Elvert Barnes
2012 National Cherry Blossom Festival Community Youth Art Contest Winners Display during the Family Days Celebration at the National Building Museum at 401 F Street, NW, Washington DC on Saturday afternoon, 24 March 2012 by Elvert Barnes Photography

Visit Natonal Cherry Blossom Festival at

Visit Elvert Barnes 2012 National Cherry Blossom Festival docu-project at

photography contests 2012
Image by Elvert Barnes
2012 National Cherry Blossom Festival Community Youth Art Contest Winners Display during the Family Days Celebration at the National Building Museum at 401 F Street, NW, Washington DC on Saturday afternoon, 24 March 2012 by Elvert Barnes Photography

Visit Natonal Cherry Blossom Festival at

Visit Elvert Barnes 2012 National Cherry Blossom Festival docu-project at

photography contests 2012
Image by Elvert Barnes
2012 National Cherry Blossom Festival Community Youth Art Contest Winners Display during the Family Days Celebration at the National Building Museum at 401 F Street, NW, Washington DC on Saturday afternoon, 24 March 2012 by Elvert Barnes Photography

Visit Natonal Cherry Blossom Festival at

Visit Elvert Barnes 2012 National Cherry Blossom Festival docu-project at

photography contests 2012
Image by Elvert Barnes
2012 National Cherry Blossom Festival Community Youth Art Contest Winners Display during the Family Days Celebration at the National Building Museum at 401 F Street, NW, Washington DC on Saturday afternoon, 24 March 2012 by Elvert Barnes Photography

Visit Natonal Cherry Blossom Festival at

Visit Elvert Barnes 2012 National Cherry Blossom Festival docu-project at